personality development important

How important is personality development at work?

Personality development brings advantages, especially in the professional environment. Especially when it comes to leadership skills that cannot be learned through cognitive knowledge and techniques. Mature personalities are usually characterized by mental strength, high life satisfaction, and pronounced problem-solving and crisis management skills.

Personality development thus also benefits one’s career. In this way, positive personality development can result in managers being able to lead staff in an employee-oriented and appropriate manner. Examples include topics such as self-, goal- and time management, one of the most important prerequisites for a good leader.

It is more important to develop these skills as part of personal development. This increases skills and leads to increased satisfaction and motivation. You can enhance your personality through the Best personality development courses in Chandigarh.

The scientific theory of personality development

Science agrees that our individuality and identification with ourselves essentially shape our personality. However, as far as personality development is concerned, theories and opinions differ greatly.

Some pursue psychodynamic approaches (Sigmund Freud, Alfred Adler, CG Jung), others construct stage models of psychosocial development and identity finding (Erik H. Erikson, James E. Marcia), and others again proclaim lifelong development (Paul Baltes).

In short: To date, there is no clear theory of personality development that could summarize all the diverse influences – the interaction of innate or early acquired differences in personality and the numerous influences of environment, upbringing, or socialization.

This blog shares the view that personality is not immutable but develops throughout life – consciously and actively.

Three building blocks of personality development

Personal development consists of three building blocks. Self-knowledge, self-acceptance, and self-change. All three building blocks are interdependent and pursue the goal of further developing the personality so that the individual becomes more capable of acting and more independent.


It all starts with your awareness of who you are: what makes me special? What is typical? What makes me unique? This includes talents as well as temperament, strengths, or weaknesses.

This \”stocktaking\” must take place without any evaluation. In this module, there is only self-reflection and a comparison of external and self-perception.


The second building block is the so-called self-acceptance. This takes place before the actual development and shows that it is extremely important to love yourself and accept how you (currently) are.

Personality development is not self-therapy but a method to discover what is in the individual person. If you don\’t accept yourself, you will fall back into self-protection mechanisms again and again during development work.


This is where the actual process begins – the development. Of course, it is crucial that you have a concrete goal in mind, how and in what direction you want to develop. This can affect behavioral patterns and habits, and certain characteristics and abilities.

You should know that personality development is not something that just happens on the side, at least not if you want to direct the development yourself. The process requires a lot of willpower, courage, and discipline because it takes several weeks to months for changes to manifest themselves noticeably.

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